I have been given the most amazing opportunity to do many things in my life. First I’m a mother to three sons and became a grandmother to Isabella Rose in 2017. Personal achievements, voluntary work, fundraisers, charity work and lots of fun of course. You could catch me anywhere.
For the first twelve years of my life, I was brought up in an industrial school. But that stopped me from doing anything. I started working in Dennys Bacon Factory in Tralee when I was fourteen years old. I went to London in 1979, got married, and have three sons. Brendan, Pearce and Declan. Twenty years later I decided to return to my hometown of Tralee.
My first break was hair and make-up for The Kerry School Of Music which I did voluntarily for many years. I also performed in Siamsa on stage as one of the ugly sisters in their Cinderella production.
I also performed on stage with the Tralee Musical Society
I Worked for Samhlaoicht on a C.E scheme and was given the opportunity of bringing The active retirement groups in Kerry to perform on stage in Siamsa. In 2003 I went back to college and qualified as a beautician in 2005 from Tralee Beauty College a special thanks to my tutor Deirdre Connolly..
2009 was a very special year for me personally. I did a project in memory of my beautiful sister Joan who passed away from cancer in 1994. I invited people to make a star in memory of their loved ones and all stars were displayed in Ballyseedy Garden Centre. I received over 5,000 from all over the world. “Our Stars for life”
In 2011 I wrote my autobiography “Shh Don’t Tell… A true story of Survival”…about my life growing up in an Industrial school in Kerry.

2017 was a big year for me, the year that my birthday had a zero at the end My 1st grandchild Isabella Rose was born. I’m Nannie Ireland to her now.. My three friends Rebecca, Selina and Mary came together and made a short film on domestic Violence “Silence is Golden” from birth to death. An advocate for people who suffer from domestic abuse. Go to court with them. I help them through the process of taking their lives back. Most of all not to judge them…
Believe, listen, talk and trust.
Our film was screened in Tralee and was nominated for an award in Dingle and Waterford film festivals. I
I also appeared on Frockfinders on R.T.E. to find a perfect dress for my 60th birthday. I really can’t write how I felt that day. My hair, make up the perfect dress for the fashion show in Benners Hotel. It was absolutely amazing really a magical moment for me.
I met the love of my in life Eddie. I will tell you how I met him.
I went in the Barge pub door.
I fell to the floor. Eddie picked me up. . I said OW and he said WOW the rest is history.
I work as a child liaison officer for the Jackie O Mahony School of performing arts which I love otherwise known as Nanny Mc Vee or Mary Poppins
For the past three years, I along with my two sisters Breeda and Áine otherwise known as Johnny’s Cottage go live on Facebook Monday evenings. We have 31,000 followers. One of our videos was viewed 3 million times.